Download CFW Darknet 4.81 CEX V 1.00 COBRA 7.3
CFW Darknet 4.81 CEX V 1.00 COBRA 7.3
Download CFW Darknet 4.81
After a few days of the release of the official 4.81 update for PAL PS3 by Sony Corp., several CWF has been released in order to bypassed it However, the CFW among them all is Darkinat it had the upper hand in terms of consistency and quality of games. Especially after the release of the patch to fix some problems
1. Properly built from OFW 4.81
2. Install Package Files and App_Home
3. Patched LV0 to disable ECDSA check of CoreOS
4. Patched LV2 to add PEEK/POKE
5. Patched LV1 to disable LV2 Protection
6. Patched LV1 to add PEEK/ POKE
7. Games signed with keys up to 4.81 Supported
8. Can be updated over ANY CFW.
9. Can be updated over 3.55 OFW
10. RSOD bypass
11. ReactPSN Offline patch added
12. PSP Remaster / Minis supported added
13. QA FLAG Enabled by Default if it was previously applied
14. Enhanced Remote play with PC
15. In Screen game shot patch
16. 100% Cinavia Protection Fully Disabled
!!!!before you install any CFW plz
Please make sure that youhave 3.55 OFW or any CFW. Official 3.56 and higher Sony firmware are not supported
Please remove any blueray disk
Delete any spoof
How to install
1 - create PS3 directory then inside it UPDATE directory in fat32 Flash disk USB copy DARKNET 4.81 CEX V1.00.PUP and rename it to PS3UPDAT.PUP
2 - connect the flash to your PS3then go to SETTING then UPDATE SYSTEME
4 - take a coffe and wait the instaltion5- enjoy your jailbraked console and play all downloaded games