PES 2017 InMortal Evo GamePlay Mod R9 (Sim Version)
NOTE: Rename EDIT00000000 on save folder (create new)
Recommended disable Live Updates.
1.04 / DLC 3 Compatibility
Gameplay Tweaks
Update R8 (Sim Version)
–ProEvo Sim Stats (Copy on Download/ and add in dpfilelist)(with dpflistgenerator)
-Game Speed -15% (try play in speed 0)
-Body model tweaks
-Through pass adjusted
-Ball effect reduced
-Animations tweaks
Update R7 (Sim Version)
Improved air body control
Phisical battles adjusted
Improved ball liberty
Update R6 (Sim Version)
– New Physics WIP Beta
Improved limb collision system
Improved air and ground/run battles
Improved ball rebounds
Improved feedback battles (vibration)
Update R5 (Sim Version)
-Slower game
-Physics ball tweaks
-Ground Pass adjusted
-Deep Pass adjusted
-High Pass adjusted
Update 4 R4 (Arcade Version)
-Timming inputs
-Better Player reaction
-AI Coefficient Tweak
-Physical Battles Tweak
Update 3
Compatible DLC 2.0
Update 0.2
IA Attacks
IA Shoots and Cross Rating Tweaks
Update 0.1
-Battle Tweaks
-Controls Tweaks
-Tempo Tweaks
-Shoots power reduced
-GK Tweaks
.Ball Control Tweaks
Credit : InMortal