DNA Ultimate Roster 2017-2018 [Info & Previews]
Content List Updated to 06-10-2017 for the v1.0:
-All the NBA players with accurate portraits
-New rebranded logos updated for each NBA team (Cavs, Detroit, Wolves and Portland at this moment)
-Lineups updated to the last season with real stats.
-NBA D-League 2017 (22 teams replacing the euroleague teams) with rosters based in current NBA D-League players for the last 3 years.
-Cyberfaces for NBA D-League players.
-One NBA D-League Arena with all the 22 d-league courts.
More stuff to add in next updates:
-New NBA logos (San Antonio and more, I´m waiting for the releases)
-Nike Uniforms for each NBA Teams.
-New 2018 NBA arenas and courts.
-Drew League Venue and Seatle Pro-A teams, rosters and uniforms (Replacing some retro teams).
-Summer Nike Drew court.
Also I accept requests and ideas to improve this big roster. I hope you enjoy guys when I release it.

Created by Shuajota
TBM and exrixxx - NBA D-League Scoreboard
PeaceManNot - Tutorial to change the team names
Edudu_10 - Jerseys previews
Limnono tool
gregkwaste - NBA 2K17 Explorer